Friday, October 13, 2006

A stirring of accomplishment

Have been out the past two days temping at a bank. What a world of corporate vultures and culture! Not only was the office air constantly filled with accented niceties (both sincere and pretentious), I found it hard to concentrate with noisy people walking all over the place, all the time, speaking a jargon I did not comprehend. Despite that inconvenience, I completed my task half a day earlier, which translates to less wages, however.

The book I nibbled on last week? Gobbled it all.

And the final battle for this week - my house! All it took was two days of my absence for a thin layer of fine dust to settle on the floors, newly washed laundry to pile up on my favourite couch, and a cake-high stack of mail needing attention, soon.

I'm thinking of going on a wardrobe-clearing rampage. There's quite a nice style going around this season that I'd like to make space for.

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